
Eugenics: The Pursuit of Perfection.

August 13, 2019

Eugenics. Why concern yourself? I mean, that doesn’t happen anymore, right? Went the same way as slavery, didn’t it? And genocide, racism, women’s rights, too. Oh, not that stuff, we still have to work on those things, but surely – not eugenics?

(Who cares? As long as it won’t affect us. We are white and intelligent, surely our genes are sacrosanct, and therefore – our lives, our families – will never be in danger. So why should we care if the less worthy are sterilized, deported or killed? More room for us!) You did not hear that from me (wink).

EUGENICS: the term was born in 1883, courtesy of Francis Galton, in INQUIRIES INTO HUMAN FACULTY AND ITS DEVELOPMENT.  Galton’s cousin was none other than Darwin.

“ The term “eugenics” comes from the Greek word meaning “well-born.” In the 20th century, it came to mean something far more sinister: a scientific movement to create a more perfect race.”

Mendel had just studied and published the Mendelian patterns of hereditary traits in the mid to late 1800’s. Darwin introduced the concept of evolution. This was the age of industrialization, improvement, enlightenment and progress.

 Davenport’s plan was to analyze the pedigree charts for Mendelian patterns­­, and to identify the desirable traits human beings might encourage through careful breeding––and the undesirable ones they could breed out.

 “Wouldn’t it be a better world if we could wipe out poverty? Wouldn’t it be a better world if we didn’t have criminals? Wouldn’t it be a better world if everyone behaved themselves? And if the reason we have poverty, and crime is something that’s determined by our genes, if we can change that and make it so that the people who have those bad traits don’t pass them down wouldn’t that be a better world?”

Among Americans of Charles Davenport’s class and generation, there was perhaps no word that had more currency at the turn of the century than improvement. There was impure water, and the schools were awful, and the disease was rampant, and immigrants were pouring in.

 People were apprehensive about rapid change, about the kinds of people you saw on the streets––slums, crime, alcoholism, prostitution. Native (?) white Protestants felt that they were losing control of American society. We see the same thing today. White people think they are the original Americans – some have proposed that NATIVE AMERICANS SHOULD GO BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM.

When the public was told that they could keep their society the way they wanted it, people embraced the eugenics movement. They all thought that they would never be a target. White Americans thought they were so superior that allowing white people from other countries would make our country less worthy!!

This notion of superiority was not lost on my grandmother. White people love to boast about how many generations they can claim in the United States, that their ancestors came over on the Mayflower, that they are “Daughters of the Revolution.” My family has been here since the 1600’s, on both sides, and have ancestors that fought in the Revolutionary war. My grandmother said to brag about what our ancestors did or when they came here was just plain stupid. What we do as individuals is far more important.

I first became aware of the eugenics movement in our own beloved United States of America, when I heard a podcast from Fresh Air, a few  years ago.


“Cohen notes that the instinct to “demonize” people who are different is still prevalent in the U.S. today, particularly in the debate over immigration.” Cohen wrote the book “Imbeciles”.

From an interview on NPR with Terry Gross, Fresh Air.

 “the 1924 immigration law … was enacted for eugenic reasons. And this intentionally shut off immigration of Jews, Italians and Asians, who were thought to be genetically less gifted, and prevented a lot of Jews from fleeing Nazi Germany. “

Anne Frank and her family were in hiding because they were Jewish in Hitler’s Germany. Hitler modeled his eugenics program after the American program. Then a new law enacted in 1924 prevented the family from coming to America, a eugenics law. Otto Frank, her father, repeatedly wrote to the State Department begging for admission for his family, but he was denied, along with thousands of other people.

So when we think about the fact that Anne Frank died in a concentration camp, we’re often told that it was because the Nazis believed the Jews were genetically inferior, that they were lesser than Aryans. That’s true, but to some extent Anne Frank died in a concentration camp because the U.S. Congress believed that as well.”

It’s impossible, especially, to read “Imbeciles” without thinking of the current election cycle. Fears of procreation and infiltration still have force, although they’re directed not at “hopelessly vicious protoplasm” but at “anchor babies”; instead of the pure blood of the Nordic races, we hear invocations of that other superior species, the Winners. 

The 2016 Presidential campaign reverberated with appeals to strength and victory and virility and contempt for weakness and failure and foreigners, hitting notes of blatant ugliness that we’re not used to hearing in the public sphere.

They started swarming across America’s border, millions of desperate families fleeing poverty or seeking political asylum.

But many people were repelled by their presence. Some warned that the country was facing a “genetic invasion” and that whites were “losing the demographic game.” Another said, “There will no longer be an America for Americans.”

One leader even thought of a radical way to keep them out.

“Can we build a wall high enough around this country so as to keep out these cheaper races?” he asked.

That scenario may sound familiar, but it’s actually a description of early 20th century America.

Daily there are reports of deportation. Military personnel who are not citizens, but are here legally – deported after serving THIS country, often in dangerous places like Afghanistan. Volunteered to be in the military, but not allowed to remain in the country they risked their very lives for. After they were told they would be guaranteed citizenship after serving the country they loved.

A woman from Guatemala was INVITED to come here, to the US, to help her get treatment for a rare, fatal genetic disorder. She has lived here since she was 7 years old, has a degree with honors from a state university. She will die within weeks of being deported back to her country of origin – a country she doesn’t remember.

A dairy farmer and his entire family, has been deported to the Netherlands, after living in Minnesota for 18 years. They arrived legally, purchased a dairy farm, and have been successful in running it. They pay taxes, provide jobs, and do everything an American farm family would do.  They have been unable to obtain citizenship, even after spending thousands of dollars trying to.  Their sons are being deported as they are now 21 years old. The parents have no reason to stay.

It is not isolated to our country. England: only there seems to be more hope there –

More than half of deportations from the UK are called off, The Independent can reveal – raising concerns that thousands of people are being unfairly targeted for forcible removal.

Figures obtained through freedom of information law show that of the 24,674 removal directions issued last year, 15,200 were cancelled. Of these, more than two-thirds were called off within a week of the scheduled removal and 45 per cent within just one day.

Italy, Germany, Sweden, Hungary:

MESTRE, Italy — For three years, Ratan Miah had lived legally in Italy. He worked kitchen jobs, when he could find them. He split rent with six others on a cheap apartment. He pursued his asylum case, telling officials about extortion and political violence in Bangladesh and saying, “I’m asking the Italian state for help.”

Then, in late June, Miah sat down with his lawyer and got Italy’s response.

His last appeal for protection had been rejected. In seven weeks, after his existing permit expired, he would become Europe’s latest undocumented migrant….

Across the European Union, according to official data, hundreds of thousands of migrants are being rejected in their bids for protection. But, for a range of knotty logistical and geopolitical reasons, the migrants handed orders to leave are overwhelmingly not being sent home.

Most rejected migrants tend to fall into a legal no man’s land — one where they have no right to housing, no work permits and scant opportunity to go elsewhere. The only option for many is to remain where they are and scrape by furtively.

In 2015, Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, was the first European Union leader to resist mass migration. He built a fence… 

US citizens have had their passports stripped from them, because the State Department does not believe they are genuinely citizens. ICE officials raid homes and take passports away. It should come as no surprise that most of those targeted are Latino. If you speak any language other than English, you risk being questioned, detained, and deported.

In response to the holocaust, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declared that, “Everyone has a right to a nationality.” In cases in America, the importance of being entitled to citizenship was made clear in a 1967 Supreme court ruling, which declared that “Under the citizenship clause of the fourteenth amendment, A U.S. citizen cannot lose his or her citizenship unless he or she willingly surrenders it.”

What Trump does understand is his base. Many members of Trump’s working class base do have real concerns—it is true that wages aren’t growing in America and that manufacturing jobs have all but disappeared. … They’re angry and want someone to blame—but not people who look like them… In Hispanic immigrants, Trump gave them a scapegoat.

Fans of Trump will claim these measures (of stripping passports and deportation) are just about sending people back to their homelands, and therefore, getting people who did not belong in America out. Well, what do you think the holocaust was about? Jews were not considered citizens.

The problem is that the people being targeted are anything but white. The vast majority have been living and working here in the United States, doing nothing different than any average person would do. Most have every legal right to be here, but their rights are being stripped and trampled. These people are being sent back to “their own countries” that most of them have never seen or don’t remember, have no relatives, no place to live, don’t understand the language, and usually are sent without any money – that is taken from them in detention centers. They are kicked out of this country to die, and anyone who denies that has their head buried in the sand. They have no legal identity, so they really have no place to call home. They are invisible.

The steps that lead up to genocide, besides stripping minorities of their citizenship, are about “othering” a population enough that the strife they experience is not seen as akin to anything we might experience. It’s what allows people like Tucker Carlson to see children in internment camps and say that anyone who is horrified is part of a “ruling class” who “cares more about foreigners than their own people.” As if five-year-olds are a terror that good Americans would fight against.


In order to practice eugenics, you had to have the support of the people. This wasn’t very difficult – people then (turn of the century 1900’s) were heavily invested in the great strides of industry in all areas of life, in government ruling daily life, in science. Probably the vast majority of the citizens didn’t see anything wrong with the idea of selective breeding – after all, they all felt they were the epitome of breeding, regardless of their social standing or wealth.

Davenport had finished his first wave of data collection from prisons and mental institutions; he was ready to proceed to the next step.

 In October 1910, on a 80-acre plot adjacent to the Cold Spring Harbor campus, Charles Davenport opened the doors of his new institute.

It was a modest structure built for a grand purpose: to house hereditary information on American families and use it to guide the reproductive choices of the nation.

He called it the Eugenics Record Office.

They hired “experts,” including Laughlin, a high school superintendent who was an avid poultry breeder. He wanted to go beyond data collection, which was Davenport’s primary goal, to use the data for selective breeding of humans.

Armed with the official “Trait Book,” which assigned numerical codes to a broad spectrum of human characteristics, the newly-minted researchers fanned out: to study delinquents in the Juvenile Psychopathic Institute of Chicago, the insane at the New Jersey State Hospital at Matawan, albinos in Massachusetts, circus families at Coney Island, the Amish in Pennsylvania.

 Year by year––as trainees rotated out of the summer program and into positions at universities, hospitals and mental institutions––Davenport’s assumptions and methods of fieldwork gained currency all across the country.

 “Just as we have strains of scholars, of military men,” Davenport told the New York Times, “we have strains of paupers, of sex offenders…strains with strong tendencies toward larceny, assault, lying, running away…The cost to society of these strains is enormous.”

Theodore Roosevelt, currently President of USA, was a proponent, and lamented that the public was not yet behind this incredible advance in knowledge. He wanted to stop the breeding of undesirable people.

The Eugenics Record Office recommended both widespread eugenic education and aggressive government intervention: laws that would keep defectives out of the country, prohibit them from marrying, and prevent them from becoming parents by segregating them in asylums throughout their reproductive years.

Also recommended was a new and somewhat controversial surgical procedure known as “sterilization.” By cutting and sealing organs involved in reproduction, both men and women could be made infertile. So far, the technique had been used primarily on criminals––particularly sex offenders––and it was thought to have a curative effect.

But there was a problem. Thomas Morgan was a zoologist, working for the Eugenics Project. He studied the genetics of fruit flies, and quickly realized that the genetic traits were not controlled by single genes, unaffected by other genes, but rather several genes that interacted with each other.  Genetic traits were incredibly complex, and the outcome was not easily predicted. Morgan became convinced that the goal of selective breeding of humans was not possible and that the risk was too great.

The philanthropist, Mrs. Harriman, who supported this project financially, was the widow of a railroad magnate, who also dabbled in race horses and breeding horses. I can’t help but wonder how, if she knew anything at all about breeding horses, she thought it could work for humans. So many breedings of top Thoroughbreds are duds, never making it to the race track. That should have been evidence enough to realize that selective breeding of humans was not going to work. But I suspect that these highly intelligent people, perhaps with no sense of reality, were going forward with blinders on, unwilling to see the truth of the matter, right in front of them.

Morgan decided to resign and step away from the project, but he did it quietly. The public never knew who he was, what he found, or that he was leaving because he no longer believed in the goal.

 When the Panama-Pacific International Exposition opened in San Francisco, on the morning of February 20th, 1915, one hundred thousand people streamed through its turnstiles. Over the next nine months, the number would reach more than eighteen million.

Nowhere did the future look brighter than from the Race Betterment Exhibit.

Housed in the Palace of Education, the display featured imposing plaster casts of Atlas, Venus and Apollo; a collection of medical instruments used to gauge human biological capacity; and a welter of charts, graphs, and lists that outlined the way eugenics would better the human race.

This was the pet project of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. He and his brother were both physicians, well known in the country for their teachings on health. They also were the inventors of Kellogg cereal, which they considered to be a nutritional breakthrough, a new way of feeding people who were too stupid to feed themselves properly.

Here at the Exposition, a Conference on Eugenics was held. Over 10000 people attended.

World War I (The Great War) broke out. It was decided to classify all draftees and volunteers for intelligence, based on seriously flawed tests. The results revealed that fully half of the military were morons. The news rocked the country, convincing people that our population was 50% moronic. Considering that they could “pass as normal”, this was a huge problem. Of course, all those in favor of eugenics were completely convinced that these new rules would not apply to them!!

This test was the prototype of the IQ test. It swept the nation, and all were subjected to it. Employers utilized it to determine if a candidate was worthy of employing.  It was the current thought that the idiots, the feeble minded, were rapidly reproducing, which meant they would soon outstrip the “normal” people. Something had to be done.

In addition, refugees were swarming the borders, trying to escape persecution and certain death from wars, droughts and persecution. They were often not “normal” – which translated into white people who spoke English and who were well educated.

That May, at Cold Spring Harbor, Charles Davenport penned a letter to a friend: “Can we build a wall high enough around this country,” he wondered, “so as to keep out these cheaper races?”

Does this not sound rather familiar to the reader, in this, the year of 2019? “Build a wall, no – higher, higher. We will build a wall and keep them all out. And we will make Mexico pay for it.” Nothing is said about our Canadian border, where most of the people are still white.

Madison Grant could trace his family back to the Puritans, and one of his ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence. He was alarmed at the influx of foreigners whose skin color was not white and they did not speak English.

 He invents this race called the Nordics, this tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed race. According to Grant, the Nordics are the most recently evolved of all the races. That means their genetic traits are still fragile. They’re not fully formed. And so if a blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic mates with a more primitive race, a Mediterranean, a Jew, certainly a Negro or an Asiatic, the more primitive genes of the inferior race will actually overwhelm the superior but not yet stable genes of the Nordics.

Black people, or Negros, were not permitted to marry anyone but another black person, by law. The other immigrants, however, were a threat to white supremacy by diluting and polluting the gene pool of the elites.

“We Americans must realize that the altruistic ideals…and the maudlin sentimentalism that has made America ‘an asylum for the oppressed,’ are sweeping the nation toward a racial abyss,” Grant declared. “This generation must completely repudiate the proud boast of our fathers that they acknowledged no distinction in ‘race, creed, or color,’ or else…turn the page of history and write ‘Finis America.'”

Madison Grant takes eugenics, which had hitherto been concerned only with survival of the fittest individual, and he says we need to be concerned with the survival of the fittest race. We need to preserve the Nordic race.

In 1921, Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, severely restricting immigration. Immigration was reduced by 97%. This Quota stayed in effect for more than 40 years.

Margaret Sanger, who had fiercely fought for birth control to give women more power, now joined the Eugenics movement, in an effort to further her cause.

At fairs, eugenic displays were everywhere.  Families were encouraged to be studied, and young couples were encouraged to be tested to see if they should marry and produce children. There were competitions of Fitter Families for Future Firesides.

 Fitter Families contestants came from miles around, often dressed in their Sunday best, and submitted themselves to a rigorous three-hour inspection.

Straight, healthy teeth earned them high marks––as did musical talent, or a family history of longevity. Disease or disability––even a lame grandmother or an epileptic uncle––was a demerit.

“While the stock judges are testing the Holsteins, Jerseys, and Whitefaces in the stock pavilion,” one contest organizer said, “we are judging the Joneses, Smiths, and the Johnsons.”

…at the end of the state fair, the eugenic winning family, the fitter family, would be driven down the midway and wave to the people and show off their ribbons.

Medium family award 1927 Kansas State Fair.

Even the black community took up the cry of better genes, advocating for better brains, beauty, and efficiency, under the leadership of W.E.B. DuBois, one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

 DuBois’ ideas are fundamentally about combating prejudice, but at the same time he talked about and embraced the notion that not all blacks were equally gifted and equally talented, and that the future of African Americans should hinge on the future procreation of the talented. Those ideas really are resonant with eugenic ideals of the time.

Eugenics was also supported by other African American intellectuals such as  Thomas Wyatt Turner, and many academics at Tuskegee UniversityHoward University, and Hampton University; however, they believed the best blacks were as good as the best whites and “The Talented Tenth” of all races should mix.

Again, eugenics is embraced as a way to better one’s race. DuBois was so enamored of this idea, that he apparently did not believe that the main movement was against colored people. After all, he was intelligent, articulate, and (somewhat) accepted, by some white people.


Eugenics is not just about aborting babies that we don’t like, which we shall read about in further along this document.   It is also about sterilizing people against their will. And it happens today, even in our beloved United States of America.


EUGENICS TODAY: WHERE EUGENIC STERILISATION CONTINUES NOW. Center for Genetics and Society, Robert A. Wilson, June 05, 2018.

IS EUGENICS HAPPENING TODAY? Genetics Generation. 2015.

EUGENICS NEVER WENT AWAY. AEON. Robert A. Wilson, June 5, 2018.

Exhibit Examine Nazi Use of Eugenics, Morning Edition, NPR. Christopher Joyce. April 23, 2004.

Hitler’s famous reign of terror included sterilization and genocide, as well as experiments with pregnant women and twins. Hitler got his best ideas from the United States of America. Hitler took the eugenics idea to a new low – perfect people by genetic engineering and genocide.

In July 1933, in Germany, Adolf Hitler came to power––

and immediately enshrined eugenics in state policy, with a law that mandated the sterilization of men and women suffering from any one of nine presumably heritable conditions.

It had been based on a model law written by Harry Laughlin.

 Before Hitler, there was a German eugenics movement. But it did not have a sterilization law. The sterilization law was ultimately enacted with the inspiration of what American states had been doing.

The more zealous American eugenicists applauded the Nazi law, which applied to all people, whether institutionalized or not. As one Virginia sterilization advocate put it: “The Germans are beating us at our own game.”

The Supreme Court Ruling That Led to 70,000 Forced Sterlizations. NPR Shots, Health news from NPR. Fresh Air, Terry Gross. March 1 2016.

I listened to this story, “The Supreme Court Ruling that led to 70,000 Forced Sterlizations”, while traveling in my car. It profoundly affected me, so much that I still think about it now, three years later. (The title of the book being discussed is “Imbeciles”, which was the inspiration for the name of my new blog. I had written my first blog on this podcast just after hearing it, but it somehow was lost in ether space). Eugenics, the perfect race. We all know about the monster that Hitler was, and how he convinced and controlled an entire country to pursue his twisted dreams. The guy was on his way to conquering the entire world, and he would stop at nothing to achieve this. When he was the ruler of the world, the mass executions would grimly continue. Thankfully, we didn’t get to that point. But on his way to glory, Hitler was responsible for many millions of deaths, based on nothing but supremacy. And his inspiration? American eugenics, which started in earnest in 1927, following the ruling of the Supreme Court –

“In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court decided, by a vote of 8 to 1, to uphold a state’s right to forcibly sterilize a person considered unfit to procreate. The case, known as Buck v. Bell, centered on a young woman named Carrie Buck, whom the state of Virginia had deemed to be “feebleminded.”

It was the start of a national movement to prevent certain individuals from having children, and it spread across this country like wildfire. It was accepted as the correct action for a strong society. It remained in place, legally, until the late 1970’s.

 Scientific American ran articles on the subject, and the American Museum of Natural History hosted conferences. Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and many other prominent citizens were outspoken supporters. Eugenics was taught in schools, celebrated in exhibits at the World’s Fair, and even preached from pulpits.

Eugenical Sterilization Map of the United States, 1935; from The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University

Eugenical Sterilization Map of the United States, 1935

The goal was to rid society of undesirable people, people who were a burden on society. Those who made these decisions liked to think that they were doing a favor to those affected – by taking away their need to raise children who were defective, to prevent defective people from raising children- because clearly they were not capable. To prevent the birth of people who, because of their deficiencies, would have a horrible life.

“In the early 20th century across the country, medical superintendents, legislators, and social reformers affiliated with an emerging eugenics movement joined forces to put sterilization laws on the books. Such legislation was motivated by crude theories of human heredity that posited the wholesale inheritance of traits associated with a panoply of feared conditions such as criminality, feeblemindedness, and sexual deviance. Many sterilization advocates viewed reproductive surgery as a necessary public health intervention that would protect society from deleterious genes and the social and economic costs of managing ‘degenerate stock’.”

Eugenics was a commonly accepted means of protecting society from the offspring (and therefore equally suspect) of those individuals deemed inferior or dangerous – the poor, the disabled, the mentally ill, criminals, and people of color.

DR. SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE, WRITER: The impulse to perfect humanity is an ancient aspiration. The idea that somehow or the other that you can get the best humans by selectively breeding the best, most fit, heartiest, most beautiful. It’s an ancient desire. You find it in Sanskrit texts. You find it in Greek texts. The trouble is that only some human beings can dictate or decide what those, what the correct features might be. Who decides?

Who decides? The ones with power, money, ideas, and the ability to make things happen. The ability to sell their ideas. Here is the big problem – these people who advocate selective breeding, which leads to sterilization, truly think that they are solving a serious social problem.  They see nothing wrong with what they are doing. The imbeciles who will be sterilized? No need to get their permission, or even explain what is going to happen to them – they are not capable of making decisions like that anyway.

Gregory W. Rutecki, MD writes about the forced sterilization of Native Americans, which persisted into the 1970s and 1980s, with examples of young women receiving tubal ligations when they were getting appendectomies. It’s estimated that as many as 25-50 percent of Native American women were sterilized between 1970 and 1976. Forced sterilization programs are also a part of history in Puerto Rico, where sterilization rates are said to be the highest in the world.

As I listened to this podcast, I couldn’t stop thinking about my  family’s involvement in this travesty. My grandparents, who were beautiful people, were young adults when this started. I could not imagine how these intelligent, enlightened, tolerant people could have witnessed this while this, and did not speak out against it. My parents, who grew up with this attitude. And myself and siblings, who were also raised, mostly ignorant, of the individuals now safely stored in the State Schools for the Mentally Ill. Darwinism was used as a supporting scientific basis for this – of course, natural selection wasn’t fast enough, so it was up to the intelligent people to bring it along faster.

“All told, as many as 70,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized during the 20th century. The victims of state-mandated sterilization included people like Buck who had been labeled “mentally deficient,” as well as those who were deaf, blind and diseased. Minorities, poor people and “promiscuous” women were often targeted.”

These people were also institutionalized, which is where the majority of sterilizations took place.

“The first eugenics law in the United States was passed in Connecticut in 1895, and it was a law against certain kinds of marriages. They were trying to stop certain unfit people from reproducing through marriage. It wasn’t really what they wanted, though, because they realized that people would just reproduce outside of marriage.”

They decided to institutionalize these people to keep them from breeding. But then that was too expensive, so sterilization made more sense – let the women out after their surgery, and let them earn their own way, so society didn’t have to support them. If they were too deficient to work, then they lived and died in these institutions or on the streets. Men also had surgery, but this, of course, was much simpler, faster, and with many fewer complications. Women, especially, were not told what their surgery entailed – some thought they had their appendix removed.

‘Imbeciles’ Explores Legacy of Eugenics in America.  All things Considered, NPR, February 26, 2016.


When I was 14, back in 1961, I saw Stanley Kramer’s brilliant movie “Judgment At Nuremberg.” It was about the war crimes trial of Nazis after World War II. There was a stunning scene in which a witness, a Dr. Wieck, is testifying about novel techniques of the Nazis, like the sexual sterilization of those considered physically or mentally weak. The German defense lawyer, played by Maximilian Schell, who won an Oscar for that performance, reminds the witness that sterilization in the name of improving the gene pool didn’t begin with the Nazis or in Germany. And he read from a High Court ruling in another country that defended the practice. That ruling justified sterilization in order to prevent our being swamped by incompetence. Why wait for the imbeciles – that was the scientific term of the day – to starve or turn to crime?”

Carrie Buck was a young woman living mostly on the streets, with no education. She was taken in by a foster family, but used as a slave. She was raped – which led to being taken away. Since she had no education, she was considered to be feeble minded. She had an attorney appointed for her to sue for her rights in the case called Buck vs Bell, appealing the case to the Supreme so that the highest court would find against her and open the doors for sterilization of anyone deemed incompetent.

The thing is, there had been laws allowing the sterilization of undesirable people, but rarely was the procedure performed. This was opening the floodgates to what the advocates wanted.

 Carrie Buck was nobody you would have heard of. She was born in 1906 in Charlottesville, Virginia. Soon afterward, her father either abandoned the family or died—there’s no reliable record—leaving Carrie and her mother, Emma, in dire poverty. As a toddler, Carrie was taken in, with the approval of a municipal court, by a well-to-do couple, John and Alice Dobbs, who asked to become her foster parents after seeing Emma on the street. Carrie lived with the Dobbses and went to school through the sixth grade, after which they pulled her out of school so that she could do housework full time. She cleaned their house and was hired out to clean neighbors’ homes, until, at seventeen, she was discovered to be pregnant—she later said that she’d been raped, by Alice Dobbs’s nephew—at which point her guardians moved to have her declared mentally deficient, although there was no prior evidence that this was the case. They then had her committed to the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded.

Carrie and her sister were both sterilized and then later released. They did not know they had been rendered unable to have children. They both were married and childless. Years later, they were finally told the truth, not knowing why they had no children until a journalist told them what had been done to them. Later,  in the old age home, Carrie Buck could be found reading the newspaper and doing the crossword puzzles – so much for being feeble minded.

I am of the age where I remember Mental Institutions. These were state run “Schools for the Mentally Ill,” where everyone was free to park their disabled and mentally deficient relatives. People with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation – they were packed off to these schools as infants. People who became depressed, hysterical or violent, who were raped, single mothers, gays – were often placed here. It was not unusual, especially in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s for women to end up here, courtesy of their loving husbands.  Many of these people were sterilized without their consent. It was thought that they should not be allowed to breed, and certainly never to live in society. I had never really seen many people like this until the early 1980’s when these facilities were shut down, and the inmates were main streamed.  We have come a long way. It is no longer so unusual to see a person with CP or DS that they are stared at, but that was the norm when I was a kid.

PBS story: THE STORY THAT REVEALED WILLOWBROOK’S HORRORS. Based on Geraldo Rivera’s investigation into these institutions in 1972.

This story hit the airwaves like a bolt of lightning, no – more like a hurricane – becoming world news soon after. If it had not been for Geraldo Rivera’s story breaking open the truth about these institutions, it would have been many more years before they were finally exposed and shut down.

Even today, people with disabilities are often assumed to have low intelligence. The following is a quote from Molly McCully Brown, a poet and author, who happens to have cerebral palsy.

We do have a strange tendency in this country to equate any kind of disability with less intellectual capability and with even a less complete humanity. Certainly as a child and as a teenager — and even now as an adult — [I] encountered people who assumed that just because I used a wheelchair, maybe I couldn’t even speak to them. I often get questions directed at people I’m with, as opposed to me, and that’s a really interesting phenomenon.

Several years ago, I broke my ankle. I still had to work and run errands. Shortly after my injury, I wasn’t very strong on the crutches, so I would use the motorized shopping carts. It was very strange to be making my way around the store, and to be completely ignored by the other shoppers. Not the way it normally is as a non-invalid – they would look at me and look away immediately, refusing to make any eye contact.

California prisons sterilized 148 women between 2006-2010. The law that allowed women to be forcibly sterilized while in prison was taken down in 1979. Why was this practice pursued? Well, it is obvious to those of superior intellect. Only the stupid people commit crimes, so why should we allow them to breed?  Especially when most of the victims were women of color. The prisons continued to sterilize women, with their “consent”. Not so much men, of course. No, not men.

Eugenics is often practiced based on skin color. In North Carolina, women of color  were forcibly sterilized even into the 1970’s – women who are peers of mine.

PAYMENTS START FOR NC EUGENICS VICTIMS, BUT MANY WON’T QUALIFY. Shots, health news from NPR. All Things Considered. Eric Mennel. October 31, 2014.

WHY US CONTINUED EUGENICS PROGRAMS POST-HOLOCAUST. History, NPR’s show TELL ME MORE. NPR staff, host Michel Matin. June 23 2011.

“…thousands of people were forcibly sterilized in North Carolina. It was happening there up until 1974.

Certain were deemed by the state unfit to reproduce, some because they were mentally ill or had epilepsy, some because they had been teenage mothers, survivors of rape or incest. Some had low IQs, and some were gay.”

The original idea was to carefully evaluate and sterilize people who were not capable of raising children, and often these people could not live on their own. On the surface, it seemed to be the best option – the potential parents could not care for themselves or children, the children would have to be raised by the grandparents or taken over by the state – and of course, the children themselves, who could potentially suffer greatly as unwanted children or living with parents unable to care for them. The kicker is, most of those affected were poor, people of color, or disabled.

It goes without saying that poor people, and many were people of color, and the disabled – often have no voice of their own in the legal system. Many were sterilized outside of the legal system under orders of  overzealous social workers and judges. These people have not only been seriously victimized, but they have no legal case – there are no legal records.

Hermann J. Muller was a “Fly Boy” who had participated in the fruit fly experiments, under the direction of Goddard. He continued his own experiments, and came to the realization in 1926 that the Eugenics movement was flawed, morally wrong. He understood not only the inability to predict the outcomes of certain breedings,  but also that the desirable traits were being dictated by a small group of people, who were therefore trying to direct the future generations. He decided to speak out.

Henry Goddard, who had coined the term “moron”,  had now recanted his earlier ideas and regretted his earlier assessment of these so called morons – that people he had classified as such were, after all, able to learn and able to care for themselves and others.

The Great Depression served to convince these eugenics advocates that their theories were all wrong. Now we had lawyers on the bread line. Was it their genetics, or was it circumstance? Maybe a prostitute was just trying to pay her bills.  In 1932, the Eugenics Conference was largely unattended.

And yet, the movement experienced a massive upsurge in surgeries. It was the Great Depression, there were many undesirable people in institutions who were simply too expensive to maintain. They were sterilized and released – into an economy where most people had no jobs and no place to live. They went from the frying pan to the fire.

In 1934,  a movie called “Tomorrow’s Children” was released, discussing frankly the fact that people were being forced against their will to be sterilized. In 1935, perhaps as a result of this movie, which was still being played in theaters, the Carnegie Institute came to Cold Harbor to review the research. What they found was sloppy, worthless data.

From the moment the case of the “sterilized heiress” first hit the news, in January 1936, Americans were enthralled by it.

First, there was the girl, Ann Cooper Hewitt––a San Francisco socialite who stood to inherit two-thirds of her late father’s vast estate––and her shocking claim: that her mother had had her sterilized to gain control of that inheritance.

 Ann Cooper Hewitt is sent to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy and she comes out sterilized. And when she discovers it, she is understandably horrified, and she sues both her mother and the two surgeons. She claims that her mother has done it because her father’s will stipulates that if Ann should die childless the inheritance would go to her mother.  Equally intriguing was the claim of the mother, Maryon, that her daughter Ann was feebleminded––a diagnosis based on an intelligence test she’d been given just hours before her sterilization.

Ann says that she’s writhing in pain and then a woman walks in the room, and the woman starts asking her all these questions. “What’s the longest river in the United States?” and, “How many years is a presidential term?” And Ann’s reaction is, “Why are you asking me these asinine questions? What does this have to do with appendicitis? And she doesn’t answer most of the questions. Although her score identified the girl as a high-grade moron, a court-appointed psychiatrist at a preliminary hearing found her to be well read, fluent in French and Italian, and “perfectly normal in every respect.”

Since this young woman was not conforming to the profile necessary to condone sterilization, the attorneys for the surgeon opined that she was not fit to be a mother, so the surgery was a rational decision. Even though this case was national news, and eugenics had been proven false, the judge dismissed the case. Now sterilization to prevent people who were deemed to be unfit to be parents was accepted.

A bizarre side show of this movement is that women who WANTED to be sterilized so they could STOP having children and enduring a life of virtual slavery (let us not forget that women could not vote, own property, could not have any decent jobs, and were subject to whatever their husbands wanted) and were also NOT allowed birth control. These women had been deemed worthy of reproducing, to pass on their superior genes – or at least, those of their husbands. But they were not allowed to have the surgery.

Margaret Sanger was at the center of this storm, advocating for birth control for women. She had been approached by many women who did not want to be continuously pregnant. Sanger felt that birth control would give women more power over their lives. She also pushed for black women to have access – most black women were very poor, their families lived in poverty. With less children, she reasoned that these families would be better off. Many have said Sanger was a racist. I’m not so sure.

 Sanger was very clear that she would bear no confusion on that point in 1934 when she wrote: “I admire the courage of a government that takes a stand on sterilization of the unfit and second, my admiration is subject to the interpretation of the word ‘unfit.’ If by ‘unfit’ is meant the physical or mental defects of a human being, that is an admirable gesture, but if ‘unfit’ refers to races or religions, then that is another matter, which I frankly deplore.”

Sanger was, unfortunately, enamored of the eugenics movement and supported its basic tenets. She saw it, like birth control, as a way to give women more control, but also to improve humanity.  

Mainstream America could not get behind the birth control, as that would open the door to freedom for too many women. It would threaten white superiority by reducing the number of descendants. And why not just sterilize these black women and be done with it?

Hitler eagerly adopted the eugenics program of the United States when he came to power. The Germans already had been obsessed with making Germany strong, after the humiliation of their defeat in The Great War. This was so important that individual rights were second to the power of the nation. They already had eugenics laws that were not yet being utilized, but were quickly put to use. When sterilization was not fast enough, they began killing. They started with infants that were deemed unfit. The lucky ones were given lethal injections, some were left to die by starvation. By the end, over 400,000 people were killed.

By the mid-1940s, the full horror of what happens in Nazi Germany becomes apparent––the movement from sterilization to extermination, the killing of several millions based on this kind of idea of the betterment of human race. And it creates a vast embarrassment for the American Eugenics Movement.

Ironically and embarrassingly, during the Nuremburg Trials, a German attorney asked “How can you charge my client with the crime of eugenic sterilization when your own US Supreme Court said this was okay?”

By the end of the 1940’s, the eugenics movement had faded from the mainstream of American life.

But the laws that had been passed in the name of eugenics would remain on the books for decades––barring some people from entering the country and others from marriage, and subjecting thousands to forced sterilization at the hands of the state.

By the time such practices finally came to an end, in the 1970s, the total number of sterilized Americans would exceed 60,000.

Canada also embraced forced sterilization, following America’s lead. Author Robert Wilson said, The Sexual Sterilization Act, passed in 1928, was robustly used by the government until its repeal in 1972. The Act called for a four-person Eugenics Board, which was empowered to approve the sterilisation of people living in designated state institutions, often mental hospitals.

But there was a more direct reason for my feeling of proximity to eugenics (wrote Wilson).  I found myself working in a university department whose first head – a university-employed academic philosopher, like me – served for the last third of his long life as chair of the Alberta Eugenics Board from 1928 until 1965. John MacEachran was a long-serving provost at the University of Alberta and among the institution’s most celebrated administrative leaders. During his time on the Eugenics Board, MacEachran’s signature authorised 2,832 sterilisation orders. Roughly half of these sterilisation-approvals were given during the post-eugenics era that, on the standard view, began with the fall of the Nazis. 

Leilana Muir was a plaintiff, successfully suing the Province of Alberta for wrongful confinement and sterilization, which lead to more than 800 subsequent successful suits, effectively shutting down the now illegal practice of forced sterilization in Alberta. Leilana had been abandoned at the institution in 1953 because her mother didn’t want her, at the age of 10 years. Lest we lose sight  of the whole problem, it is not just about forced sterilization. It is about people who were abandoned or taken from their families, and given a label of being not quite human, a label that would follow them all of their lives, leaving permanent scars and lack of self confidence.  These people were treated very poorly, as they had no value to society. If they were given the opportunity to return to society, they would never have their own biological children, and might not even know that they had been sterilized.

Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark also had eugenics programs.

Australia’s eugenics program was never legal, but that didn’t stop the government from performing forced sterilization on primarily women and girls who were deemed mentally insufficient. Most of this program was focused on aboriginal people. It included forced removal of children and an immigration policy that was unofficially known as the White Australia Policy.

In India, fully 37% of the female population were sterilized, many died. This was as recent as 2014, and involved primarily women of the lower caste. Of course, the country does not acknowledge that the caste system still exists. Most of these women were paid to undergo the procedure.

In the late 1990’s, Peru sterilized over 300,000 of the indigenous people. Romani (gypsies) women in the Eastern block. First Nation women in Saskatchewan in 2016.

I personally know a woman who is about 20 years younger than I am. She is labeled as mentally deficient. She has been tremendously overweight for most of her adult life. One day she decided to get out of her apartment, taking the dog for long walks around the village. She began to lose weight, and suddenly began to menstruate again. She confided in me that she had been under the impression that she had surgery as a child to remove her uterus, and was confused by the renewed cycles. She was not severely deficient and knew she could not pass blood without a uterus. All I could think of was that she had her tubes tied. She knew (or believed) she had been sterilized and was not all that concerned about it. She told me it was perfectly fine, as she was not mentally capable of raising children.

She was sterilized in the 1970’s or 1980’s, after this procedure was supposed to be illegal. How did that happen?

The 1978 Federal Sterilization Regulations, created by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare or HEW, (now the United States Department of Health and Human Services) outline a variety of prohibited sterilization practices that were often used previously to coerce or force women into sterilization.[110] These were intended to prevent such eugenics and neo-eugenics as resulted in the involuntary sterilization of large groups of poor and minority women. …and subjecting minors and the mentally incompetent to sterilization…

However, several studies have indicated that the forms are often dense and complex and beyond the literacy aptitude of the average American, and those seeking publicly funded sterilization are more likely to possess below-average literacy skills.[112] High levels of misinformation concerning sterilization still exist among individuals who have already undergone sterilization procedures, with permanence being one of the most common gray factors.[112][113] Additionally, federal enforcement of the requirements of the 1978 Federal Sterilization Regulation is inconsistent and some of the prohibited abuses continue to be pervasive, particularly in underfunded hospitals and lower income patient hospitals and care centers.[69][111]





the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

“a campaign of genocide”

synonyms: racial killing, massacre, wholesale slaughter, mass slaughter, wholesale killing, indiscriminate killing;  mass murder, mass homicide, mass destruction, annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodbath, bloodletting;  pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust, Shoah;  literaryslaying;  rarebattue, hecatomb “the killing of Native Americans was the biggest genocide in world history”

Genocide has been practiced since the beginning of time. There has always been a group of people who hated another group so much that they were willing to attempt the eradication of that population.  That does not mean it is the way we should be living now.  Should we not have evolved enough as humans to understand that this is immoral?

Natural selection, in its own time, along with genetic mutations  (which have allowed evolution) – is the way our universe was designed; whether by divine intent or by cosmic chance. Instead of twisting our world to our own vision, we should just leave the universe alone – it does a better job than we ever can.

Had reproduction been perfect, the only living creatures on Earth would be single-celled organisms, our 3.5 billion-year-old ancestors. We are, quite literally, the product of reproductive mistakes and planetary cataclysms. We — and all other living creatures — are the mutants who made it in a planet that threw many curved balls our way. Still, despite life’s remarkable resiliency, up to this point the evolution of life on Earth has been a passive process. Genes mutated in random ways, without anyone at the helm.

List of Genocides by death toll. Wikipedia.

Genghis Khan (c. 1162-1227) Biography. April 16, 2019.

Native Americans– USA. Black people and those who were on their side- USA. Jews- Germany, ancient Rome, Egypt, Israel and Palestine, Russia pograms.  Armenians– Ottoman Empire. Cambodians- Khmer Rouge. Tutsis- Rwanda. Bosniak and Croations– Bosnia. Darfuri- Sudan. Dzungar – Qing Dynasty. Chinese tribes– Mongolians (Genghis Khan). Indigenous tribes – Brazil. Irish – Cromwellian conquest. Romani (gypsies) – Germany. Queensland aborigines – Australia.

Four years after Hitler gained control of Germany, over 400,000 Germans had been exterminated. And the worst was yet to come.

The current conditions in Afghanistan are a direct result of the USSR invading that country, propping up their own appointed government, and then pulling out – leaving it in the hands of the Taliban. Massive genocide of the ruling class and the common people of Mujahideen.

The book called The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a first hand account of the recent history of Afghanistan.

I believe that humans are inherently tribal, that we are loyal to our tribe, to those that we consider to be part of our clan. But that also means that we are suspicious of anyone outside of our tribe. Sooner or later, this uneasiness tends to lead to war. The cause can be hunger, injured pride, accidental or intentional harm to one’s own by the “other side”.

We have evolved so rapidly in our technology that we are virtually disconnected from our natural world, and from each other. Many people live in social isolation. We are not meant to live this way; our natural evolution has not caught up to our modern way of living. We still need and crave a stable social network, and many no longer have this. We seem to be unhappy. Unhappy humans are not very capable of figuring out what the cause is, so we blame someone else. Our tribes now seem to be comprised of people who think like us, and often LOOK like us.  Anyone who does not fit the standard of the tribe is not to be trusted. Today, in our country and many others, we see this. Our current administration is taking advantage of our fears to divide us and pit us against each other. If unchecked, it could lead to another type of genocide.  Certainly, it has been shown that hate crimes have escalated since 2017, and supremacist groups have grown bold, operating in the open, no need to hide their individual identities.

EUTHANASIA is simply another form of genocide. Only it was not always “kind” or “painless”




  1. the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.

Edwin Black wrote that one of the methods that was suggested to get rid of “defective germ-plasm in the human population” was euthanasia.[7] A 1911 Carnegie Institute report explored eighteen methods for removing defective genetic attributes, and method number eight was euthanasia.[7] The most commonly suggested method of euthanasia was to set up local gas chambers.[7] However, many in the eugenics movement did not believe that Americans were ready to implement a large-scale euthanasia program, so many doctors had to find clever ways of subtly implementing eugenic euthanasia in various medical institutions.[7] For example, a mental institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk infected with tuberculosis (reasoning that genetically fit individuals would be resistant), resulting in 30–40% annual death rates.[7] Other doctors practiced euthanasia through various forms of lethal neglect.[7]

In the 1930s, there was a wave of portrayals of eugenic “mercy killings” in American film, newspapers, and magazines. In 1931, the Illinois Homeopathic Medicine Association began lobbying for the right to euthanize “imbeciles” and other defectives.[78] The Euthanasia Society of America was founded in 1938.[79]


ICELAND “CURES” DOWN SYNDROME: SHOULD AMERICA DO THE SAME? Psychology today, Stephen Camarata, PhD. Jan 02, 2018.

THE REAL DOWN SYNDROM PROBLEM: ACCEPTING GENOCIDE. Washington Post, George F. Will, March 14, 2018.


Iceland has been curing Down’s Syndrome!!  Apparently someone decided that people with Down’s Syndrome are a burden on society, and must be eradicated. If you know anything about Down’s Syndrome, it is not hereditary. It is the result of a mix up in genetic material, and can happen at any time – any pregnancy, any woman, regardless of color, religion or creed. Iceland has decided to rid itself of this plague, and the only way to do that is to abort babies that might have Down’s Syndrome. “Might have”.  

The only way to do that is to abort babies that might have Down’s Syndrome. “Might have”.

The test for Down’s Syndrome in a pregnant woman is not 100% accurate, and in fact, requires more testing to determine if the first test was accurate. And by the way, the second test is even less accurate. These tests are minimally invasive, but does involve sticking a long needle into the mother’s pregnant uterus. What could possibly go wrong?? A mother could abort her baby  based on these inaccurate tests, and that baby – did not have Down’s Syndrome. Or the test procedure might set off complications, such as  the needle induced labor or caused other damage to the uterus, baby, or placenta.

Before I got pregnant for the first time, my husband and I discussed the possibility of having a less than perfect child, one with Down’s Syndrome, or Cerebral Palsy, or …. We decided to NOT have the screening tests done for imperfect children. I was 37 when our son was born, so I was considered to be at a higher than average risk for birth defects. But we had decided to take whatever was given to us. Our son did not have Down’s Syndrome or any other birth defect, nor did his sister who arrived in my 39th year. They are not perfect children, however. No one is perfect that I know.

Iceland is practicing eugenics, with the blessing of its citizens. Only three babies with Down Syndrome were born there in 2009, for a 99% “success” rate. England – 90%. France 77%. America 67%.

I find this abhorrent. I know many people with Down Syndrome, and they are, by far, the nicest people I know. Yes, most of them need lifetime care givers – but not all do. And it should be up to the parents to decide, without being pressured into aborting these babies. I have a friend who has intentionally adopted three children with Down Syndrome, after raising her own biological family.

I find eugenics of any type abhorrent. I see no reason to abort any child because it has a birth defect – the only reason I support abortion for a defect would be to prevent a child being born with a fatal disease, not living long once born – especially if the defect would cause pain and suffering.  I do support abortion as a choice that women should be able to make without interference, but that is a different story all together.

Genetic counseling is the newest  approach to eugenics. Potential parents can have their DNA analyzed and then counseled as to their genetic fitness as parents, guided regarding genetic disorders that they might pass on to their children. These people may decide to not have children, or to have screening tests done to determine if this particular pregnancy should proceed to birth or be terminated. This is scary enough to contemplate – what if some government decided that it would make these decisions? It is well known that some genetic diseases are carried by certain lines of people.  Tay-Sachs disease is more common among Jewish people. Sickle Cell Anemia is most often found in people from Africa. The decision to eradicate these diseases could lead to vague proof of carrier status, leading to forced sterilization.


People who were once hidden away in institutions, forced to be sterilized, even killed – these people are now living in general society. As a child, I rarely saw people with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, disfigurement, or mental retardation. These were people we stared at because they were so different and we had never seen them – while being told not to stare.

My children have grown up with diversity – because these people are part of our society. They, like anyone else, live in a family, go to school, attend church and have jobs. Some even marry.

This link leads to a story about a couple who married and recently celebrated their 22nd anniversary. They both have Down Syndrome. They were discouraged from marrying, but they did, and it has worked. They are just one example of what all of society has missed prior to the 1970’s.

I sincerely hope that our race of humans will, one day, become more enlightened. Enlightened enough to understand that we are all worthy of life. That our artificial tribal classifications of color, gender, sexual preference, religion, location, traditions, etc are just that – artificial and unimportant. I fear that this will not happen for many generations.

Originally posted 2019-12-05 01:10:34.